
Our Webinars and happenings

To discover, to deepen, to get involved! Key topics covered by quality speakers.

Événement à venir

Combining Collective Intelligence and Sustainable Dev...
Responsible leadership

Webinar - How to combine Collective Intelligence and Sustainable Development?

Webinar on November 14 to discover the IMAGINE EN ENTREPRISE program

Je m'inscris au Webinaire
Webinar - Secure the positions of your managers

Webinar - Secure the positions of your managers

What are the programs that work and how can they be implemented in practice?

Webinar - How to be more efficient at work?

Webinar - How to be more efficient at work?

What are the postures to be developed to be fully effective at work?

Webinar - Managing and cooperating in times of crisis

Webinar - Managing and cooperating in times of crisis

How to keep teams efficient and committed in times of uncertainty?

Webinar - Manage and cooperate remotely

Webinar - Manage and cooperate remotely

What are the golden rules for managing and cooperating effectively remotely?

Webinar - Boost diversity within your teams!
Women in Leadership

Webinar Boost diversity within your teams

Discover how Veolia supports the development of its female talents through online coaching

Webinar - Managing conflicts in crisis situations

Webinar - How to manage conflicts in crisis situations?

How to maintain quality relationships within teams to restore energy and maintain...

Webinar - Remaining a team despite everything

Webinar - Remaining a team despite everything

How to set up an individual and collective coaching offer adapted to the post-COVID world?

Webinar - How to combine Collective Intelligence and Sustainable Development?
Responsible leadership

Combining Collective Intelligence and Sustainable Dev...

Webinar on November 14 to discover the IMAGINE EN ENTREPRISE program

Webinar - Coaching in change: opportunities/risks? Replay available

Webinar - Professional coaching in change

In this webinar we will present our summary of recent studies on market trends.

Breakfast - Launch of Fresque de la Mixité on September 21 at 8:45am
F/H mix

Launch of Fresque de la Mixité

Talentis launches La Fresque de la Mixité (co-built with The Wonders)!

M/F mixed gender evening in companies: no more blah, results!

Diversity evening in companies: no more blabla, results

See you on May 10, 2022 at Talentis for an exceptional evening under the sign of inspiration!

At your side to build a tailor-made programme

Take a moment with our consultants to share your needs and questions and we will build a personalized offer