Imagine en Entreprise program

Involve your employees in the adventure of responsible enterprise

A group of people sitting around a table shaking hands

Our vision

Les valeurs qui sous-tendent nos programmes, fruit de nombreuses années d'expérience, pour faire des séminaires une réussite partagée
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Why Imagine en Entreprise?

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The alliance between Talentis and the NGO Le Projet Imagine

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The ambitions of the Imagine en Entreprise program

Construire son parcours professionnel

Wake up

your teams' sense of citizenship and power to act

Manager dans l’incertitude, en crise


a collective on an inspiring, high-impact human adventure

a group of people who stand around each other


the deployment of new CSR initiatives within your organization

From inspiration comes action

This program is aimed at all company employees, whatever their hierarchical position. It can be rolled out over an entire year and consists of 8 half-days, in groups of 10 to 12 team members. Our pedagogy is inspiring, participative and engaging.

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L'Aventure " Imagine en Entreprise " 8 half-day sessions over 1 year

Inspiration: Understand and Engage


Raising awareness of CSR issues


Reawakening the power to act


Nurturing a responsible vision


Creating a project for the common good


Structuring the project team

Action: Create and Implement


Developing theproject through collective intelligence


Finalize prototypeand feasibility studies


Deploying the project

The benefits of Imagine en Entreprise

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  • Experience a unique and meaningful human adventure, combining personal and professional development

  • Learn about yourself, your modes of cooperation and leadership, your impact and positive influence

  • Take concrete action for the sustainable development of your company and its ecosystem

  • Acquire the keys to collective intelligence and responsible cooperation

  • Being proud to belong to a company that makes such an adventure possible

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  • A better understanding of sustainable development

  • A better understanding of oneself, one's own values and ethics

  • Refocusing on strong values

  • Individual and collective pride in having taken part in an innovative project

  • Team-building

  • Increased self-confidence

un groupe de personnes qui applaudissent autour d'une tableA woman giving a presentation to a group of people

At your side to build a tailor-made programme

Take a moment with our consultants to share your needs and questions and we will build a personalized offer