Team coaching: the 5 characteristics of a successful team
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Team coaching: the 5 characteristics of a successful team

What do you recognize a successful team? At Talentis we have identified 5 characteristics specific factors that differentiate a moderately successful team from a brilliantly successful team. It is on these 5 pillars in particular that we work during the team coaching sessions that we conduct for major French and international groups.The Professional Coaching Minute is a series of videos in “practical advice” mode to give everyone (managers, employees and managers) the keys to being more efficient on a daily basis.

Characteristic No. 1 of a successful team: communication

Each member of a successful team is transparent about what they are doing, their key projects, the bulk of their agenda, and each member of the team can say what the other is doing. Thus, no one feels isolated, no one sets themselves apart, risking to cause mistrust among team members.

Optimize communication within your teams now!

Characteristic n° 2 of a successful team: co-responsibility

Everyone on the team feels 100% responsible for their own goals, of course! But does each member also feel 100% responsible for the goals of the team and 100% responsible for the success of everyone in the team. Being co-responsible is not just helping my colleague from time to time. Being co-responsible means saying to yourself at all times: “I am 100% responsible for your success.” This rule is obvious in sport, is it also obvious in your team?

Characteristic #3 of a successful team: integrity

Does everyone on the team keep their commitments? Example: “I say what I do, I do what I say.” Does everyone consider their word to be golden without having to constantly justify themselves when it comes to showing integrity?

To (re) see:

What are the 4 ingredients of trust?

Characteristic 4 of a successful team: the relationship

Does everyone on the team dare to say when they need help to succeed? In a team, real relationships are created from the sharing of everyone's strengths, but also from the sharing of needs and support for each other.

Characteristic 5 of a successful team: the game

Does each team member feel completely in the game and not sitting on the bench of the referees or those who say: “We should do it yes, we have to do that...”, but who don't. Does everyone feel like they are running with the others to score a goal?

Here are the essentials of the five pillars of a team that succeeds beyond what is possible by being co-responsible, in communication, in integrity, in a true sharing relationship and in the game. Of course, it takes time for a group of individuals to enter a space of trust, to dare to be co-responsible, to dare to admit their weaknesses, to dare to ask for help, to dare to feel vulnerable in order to be stronger together. This is where sometimes a professional team coach can be useful. Open this space for dialogues, exchanges, sharing around the analysis of what works well in a team, but also of what must evolve to work even better together.

No one is perfect but a team can be perfect, Meredith Belbin (1926-)
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