Leadership in times of crisis: the 5 qualities of a leader
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Leadership in times of crisis: the 5 qualities of a leader

How to exercise leadership in times of crisis? Uncertainty, unpredictability, changes in strategies, all elements that make the task of leaders even more difficult than usual.

This new episode of the Professional Coaching Minute highlights 5 qualities of leaders in times of crisis.

Over the past two months, through the many people I support in professional coaching, I have thought for a long time about the concept of leader in times of crisis.
More particularly to what I call the “5Cs” of leaders in times of crisis, which correspond to 5 qualities.

What are they?

  • The COURAGEOUS leader
  • The CASH leader
  • The CURIOUS leader
  • The CARING leader
  • The COOPERATIVE leader

Leadership in times of crisis: the 5 C's of a leader

The CASH leader

The CASH leader is honest, faces realities and puts his team in front of them. He does not hide their face and speaks courageously about what is really going on.

The CASH leader also makes it clear what he knows and what he doesn't know.


He knows that you have to take a lot of risks to move forward in uncertainty and unpredictability. It is better to move forward by assuming your decisions, however imperfect they may be, than to do nothing.

To (re) see: the 4 keys to courage

The CURIOUS leader

The CURIOUS leader goes against all expressions such as:

But you don't think about it! ”,” But it never happened like that! ”,” We can't go in that direction! ”...

The CURIOUS leader opens up the field of possibilities and asks his teams to surprise him by bringing him their most creative ideas.

Today we are gradually moving into the “World After”.
As a leader, what services can I offer to my customers to meet their new challenges?

The CARING leader

The CARING leader, in times of crisis, takes care of his teams. Whether it's their physical health but also their emotional health. Does he also take care of his own health?


Today, the time for individualism is over. We are entering the era of true collaboration, collaboration that brings value. The COOPERATIVE leader highlights what everyone can contribute to the team.

Leadership in times of crisis: the leader's 5 areas of progress

Nobody is perfect and everyone can make progress.
It is also with this objective that

we have been supporting hundreds of businesses since 2003.

For each quality mentioned above, there is a kind of opposite which, if detected by the leader himself or those around him, constitutes a good axis of progress in the context of individual coaching in particular.

More on individual coaching

The CASH leader is not the POLITICAL leader

The POLITICAL leader in the extreme does not say everything, omits to transmit certain information until sometimes turning things into his own interests.

To (re) see:

5 keys to developing your political sense

The FEARFUL leader is opposed to the COURAGEOUS leader

The FEARFUL leader does not advance, does not take risks and tends to sit idly by waiting for someone else to decide for him.

The CAUTIOUS leader is opposed to the CURIOUS leader

The PRUDENT leader does not make decisions until he knows what is possible, which has already been done.

The PENILE leader is opposed to the CARING leader

The PAINFUL leader often generates more stress than he generates kindness and solidarity.

The PERSONAL leader is opposed to the COOPERATIVE leader

For the PERSONAL leader, managing your own career comes first.

It is clear that in a crisis situation, the realities of the behaviors of each of the leaders mentioned above are expressed in even more obvious ways. It is difficult to be a leader in times of crisis, it is even particularly complicated.
At Talentis, thanks to our experience in supporting large groups, we are all the more aware of this.

It is up to each of us to cultivate our courage, our curiosity, the way we take care of ourselves and our teams, our desire to work with others, and our honesty!

See you very soon

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