Is courage the noblest virtue of leaders?
Valérie Rocoplan
Valérie Rocoplan

Is courage the noblest virtue of leaders?

Courage, in my opinion, is the noblest virtue of a leader. It is a force rarely encountered nowadays, where more and more leaders prefer positive neutrality over the courage to change things, false benevolence over collective intelligence, happiness at work over excellence and audacity. We really need Courage, in the face of the extraordinary challenges we have to face.

Courage is urgently needed

We have a few years ahead of us to reinvent business models, and favor a regenerative model, producing positive impacts for living beings. The decisions to be taken must be taken quickly and courageously.
As the IPCC highlights in its latest report, all technological solutions exist to reverse the dramatic trend that companies are putting living beings through. Not only do technological solutions exist but the amounts to be spent are available.

It is only about courage, but not about courage only about politicians:

  • Courage of leaders
  • Courage of leaders
  • Courage of you and me

Political leaders must firmly anchor radical decisions and pass laws that accelerate the protection of water, soil, forests, oceans, animals, animals, in short, living things.

Leaders must courageously challenge business models and find new ways to produce and adopt new forms of relationships with their customers. These routes exist and are financially viable.

As consumers and customers, we must SET LIMITS, CONSUME FAIRLY AND BETTER.

Courage is the alliance of HEART and RAGE

The heart is expressed through the strength of conviction, the ability to keep one's eyes open, to see reality, and to accept to face it.

The heart is expressed through compassion and humility, the strength to FEEL 100% RESPONSIBLE for each of our actions and decisions, while not seeking to make each other feel guilty but by activating what is best in each of them.

Rage consists in the ability to denounce, force change, say out loud what everyone is thinking quietly, say no, shake up habits in order to move towards ethical, clean, responsible and regenerative practices.

Rage also consists in perseverance, the ability not to let your guard down or give up, not to prioritize image or reputation at the expense of ethics, money, or simply fair.

Courage also means not giving up, cultivating serious optimism, the strength to move forward, to engage others, to join movements that work towards the just and the true.

Courage is a muscle, the more you exercise it the more it helps you. The more you develop your courage, the more you encourage others.

May I be given the strength to endure what cannot be changed and the courage to change what can be changed but also the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

Marcus Aurelius (121-180)

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