Teleworking: 4 keys to effectively manage
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Teleworking: 4 keys to effectively manage

For the past few weeks, the teleworking is a subject widely developed in the media. Indeed, due to a large-scale general strike, the “normal” functioning of businesses is in difficulty. The transport conditions made very difficult cause a loss of efficiency and contribute greatly to the increase of fatigue and the decrease in morale of many actors in the company. Many employees are therefore forced to work remotely. However, in every difficulty lies an opportunity. What if this strike was an opportunity for all of us to rethink the way we work and to really ask ourselves the following question: “How to manage remote work effectively” ?

#1 Trust:

The teleworking is all the more effective for your employees when they feel that you trust them. To trust means to agree on work goals, of priorities to manage and deadlines to respect. Some managers sometimes confuse “teleworking” with “the means used to look after children”. It is a mistake. Indeed, numerous studies show that some employees are much more focused, Productive and engaged by working at distance.

#2 Working on co-responsibility

When a company sets up teleworking, it can be applicable to everyone. Of course, no one will be forced to work remotely but the fact remains that the concept of co-responsibility is important with respect to this practice. Whether you choose to work remotely or not.

  • how specify As a team The rules of the game ?
  • How to make sure that apiece, whether he “teleworks” or not, Feels at ease with this new form of cooperation?
  • Which rituals Are we going to set up within the team to communicate regularly when we are not together in the same workspace?

Thinking collectively about these questions is an essential step if we want to do teleworking A lever of cooperation And of performance.

#3 Manage by the objective.

Setting up teleworking also means Stop managing by presence. Better is focus your management on the objectives and expected results. What results are expected this week, this month, this year? Modern managers do not manage by means but by results. They trust people to reach them but remain “challenging".This presupposes a Feedback culture and letting go of where the person works from. Whether it's a third place, an office, home or a café, the important thing is the results! Did the person contribute what was expected of them? Learn to manage remote work It means getting fully into the work of today and tomorrow. Opening your teams to remote work involves real work on the objectives you give to your employees but also the establishment of a culture of permanent feedback.

To (re) see: the 5 steps of a successful feedback.

#4 Preparing for remote work

The fact of refusing remote work to an employee must now be motivated by the employer. As a manager, you therefore have every interest in Open this discussion as a team to find out everyone's needs and wishes. Addressing this subject collectively makes it possible to set up the framework for remote work together so that the rituals of cooperation within the team are respected. Teleworking can be an excellent way to rethink the methods of cooperation within the team to boost cooperation and collective performance. However, it involves work on the part of the manager and team members to change their habits and in particular to move from a culture of presenteeism to a culture of results. Chez Talentis, in particular through our team of 90 certified senior professional coaches, we support your teams in optimizing their methods of cooperation. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to benefit from programs of tailor-made professional coaching aimed at developing collective performance.

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