Taking office as a manager: what key challenges can we expect?

Taking office as a manager: what key challenges can we expect?

La Taking office is never an insignificant step in a professional life, especially when it concerns a management position. Because of its size, the responsibilities it involves and its impact on the rest of the organization, taking up a position is a real challenge for the person concerned. A challenge that needs to be understood. Discover 5 key issues that a future manager should expect.

#1 Decoding the expectations of your new team

The employees of the team that the future manager previously managed had specific needs and expectations. Whether in terms of development or autonomy, the senior leaders that the manager will have to manage will probably not have the same expectations. It is a “gap” not to be overlooked!

#2 Manage a team of experts

As a leader, we find ourselves at the head of a group of experts who have, for the most part, expertise quite far from ours. For example, a Marketing Director taking the lead of a new Business Unit will lead a team of marketing experts, of course, but also financial experts, Human Resources experts, Business Development experts...

To (re) read: How to successfully take on the role of manager?

#3 Dealing with the “loneliness of the leader”

A leader is much less managed and “mentored” than before.The loneliness of the leader is not an empty word, you have to prepare and work for it, with a professional coach for example! The professional executive coaching is one of our areas of expertise at Talentis, each year we support dozens of managers in the success of their job transition.

#4 Managing your priorities

A manager will see his agenda fill up of all the most important strategic issues one after the other. Sa ability to prioritize in a field where everything he does is critical and strategic will be decisive.

#5 How to map the strategic actors in your new environment?

This is a major challenge! How to identify influential people, the people on whom the manager can rely ? Not to mention identifying potential “hesitants” or “opponents”! Taking up a position represents nearly 80% of professional coaching topics led by coaches Talentis. What posture should you adopt? How do you convey a vision with clarity and precision? How do you motivate and engage teams? All of these skills can be worked on with our team of certified and experienced professional coaches.

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