Professional coaching: 4 keys to developing courage
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Professional coaching: 4 keys to developing courage

Developing courage in professional coaching is a frequent theme. In normal times, and even more so in the current period, showing courage in business is not easy. Saying things, giving feedback, making the right decisions, all this can be learned.In this sense, professional coaching can be a real lever for all talents, managers and leaders, who want to work on this quality.In this new episode of The Professional Coaching Minute, discover 4 keys to courage.

Building courage: a definition of courage

The various teams, managers and talents that we support at Talentis show me that we all need courage right now. Courage is the ability to take action while being aware of risks. Courage is not recklessness. The reckless is the one who sees the risks but doesn't care if he puts himself or the members of his team in danger. Courage is the ability to see things in the face, to analyze the risks, to take the necessary measures to fix what we are able to fix, to maintain what we are able to maintain, to maintain what we are able to maintain, and to imagine, create, invent what was not even possible a few years ago Weeks.Courage also means working, moving forward every day in a totally unpredictable system.

The 4 keys to developing courage

Courage can be worked on, it's not innate, it's like a muscle. There are times when you are a bit “down” in courage. At that moment, we can say to ourselves: “What is going on? ”, “What am I thinking about?” ”, “What do I feel? and “How do I get into action?” ”

Key 1: face reality

Know how to look at reality directly, do not hide your face.You can listen to your customers, service providers, competitors, you will see that everyone is trying to take the measure of a reality that is difficult to apprehend. As hard as it is, reality is what I am watching! And I am sharing it. This is also the reality, to explain it, to share it with your teams.

Webinar Management à distance

Key 2: self-discipline

Get up, organize yourself, prioritize your tasks and projects every day when many of us are currently working from home. It's complicated to discipline yourself, it's not easy for everyone. Especially since at the moment (confinement, teleworking, etc...) we may lack stimulation and recognition. We are far from each other, everyone is paradoxically overwhelmed and as a result, we have less time than usual to communicate, to spend time recognizing each of us.

Key 3: listen to each other

Courage also means being able to listen to your fatigue, your emotion, your frustration.Many people lack the courage not to listen to themselves in order to be able to tell themselves correctly what they need and how to get it. Without “throwing” their emotional trash can on others. Courage also means listening to the members of your team: observing the frustrations and the impatiences. It is difficult when you already have to carry your own courage, to carry courage around you as well.

Key 4: learn to adapt

Right now, courage is learning to adapt and just as learning means unlearning, saying to yourself on a daily basis: “What will never be the same as before?” ”, “How do I get out of my beliefs, question my beliefs?” ”. What are our personal pitfalls that keep us in “yesterday's world”?Courage means facing reality, not hiding your face, learning, moving forward and encouraging each other. So I wish you all the best! However, courage also means allowing yourself to have less courage sometimes. Accept discouragements, fatigue and do not forget to ask for help around you.At Talentis we have set up remote support programs to enable all your talents to work on essential coaching topics in times of crisis.

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