Leadership: let's all become responsible leaders!
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Leadership: let's all become responsible leaders!

Transcript of the video:

2020, this date seemed so far away 10 years ago! And that's it, here we are. As an expert in leadership development and professional coaching, Talentis has participated with you in the major changes in business and leadership.In the last ten years, we have moved from the era of “I” to the era of “US” .We have gradually abandoned individual goals for collective goals. We have moved from the era of teams that are hierarchically attached to a manager, to teams that are more transversal, more multi-functional, more multicultural, that work with each other in complete interdependence.From the era of the charismatic leader who always has the answer and who leads his teams alone, we have moved on to the era of co-responsible teams and shared leadership, from the individual office to the smart office.For the next decade, we are already guessing clearly the changes to come within companies: these next ten years, the company will pass from the era of “US” or to the era of “EVERYTHING” .After the era of sustainable development, we are entering the era of all responsible.Whether we are a talent, manager or leader, we will all be fully responsible for the survival of our planet and all of its living and non-living components.Everyone's talents will be measured by our contribution to the planet. Our team, our company, of course; but above all our contribution to the environment. The will to build will take precedence over the habit of destroying. Everyone will base their investment, recruitment, marketing or other decisions, taking into account both the needs to protect the planet and financial elements.Everyone will find it obvious, the opposite will be neither accepted, nor acceptable and not acceptable.Everyone will be 100% responsible for their career, their development, the success and well-being of their teammates, their employees, their company and also the planet. Everyone will be encouraged to offer all their creative, cooperative, courageous and trustworthy resources to imagine new solutions combining both customer satisfaction and the survival of the planet.Gone is the era of pretenses about reducing the negative footprint, time for the construction of a highly positive footprint.Between 2010 and 2020, we therefore experienced the transformation from the era of “I” to the era of “US”. We are now moving from the era of “US” to the era of “EVERYTHING.” Talentis is committed with you to building the best programs to make all of your talents into responsible leaders.And for us, at Talentis, the four qualities that will make a difference in the next ten years, beyond leadership skills, are the qualities integrity, humility, courage and authenticity.

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