How to cultivate motivation and energy at work?
Léa Zolli Durand
Léa Zolli Durand

How to cultivate motivation and energy at work?

How to create, generate and cultivate your own motivation and energy at work and more generally in a long professional career. Throughout your professional career, how do you stay motivated, curious, curious, committed, positive, cheerful? Most people think that motivation should come from outside, that the company should motivate, that the manager should motivate, that colleagues should motivate. Often, people are in a situation of passivity or non-responsibility, sometimes also of victimization.

Whatever the job you have, regardless of the level you have in a hierarchy, it is a professional project, it must be attached to something that is meaningful to you, that animates your energy, that makes you want and you are responsible for seeking this desire, this energy and this ability that you have to stay motivated. The subject is really asking yourself what is your part of responsibility, beyond the part of the company and its team? What is his part of responsibility to stay motivated and energetic?

Why this work?

The interesting thing, if you want to stay energized and motivated, is maybe telling yourself that the first thing you need to think about is what made you choose this job? What makes you love what you do every day? You all have things that you particularly like, things that you don't like. And why do you like it and how can you enjoy what you love doing in this job? And when you are doing things that you don't like, how can you tell yourself how useful this, even if it's something you don't enjoy, is useful and contributes to the business, to the customers?

Curiosity, the driver of motivation

The second thing you can do is tell yourself that motivation comes from your ability to be curious about what's going on. People who lose motivation and energy are often people who lose curiosity. And that's what we see in the energy of motivation, it's the level of curiosity. So what are you interested in my work? What interests you around, in the other teams, in what is happening in your company. How can you cultivate this curiosity, go discover, go and learn? Because discovering and learning will keep you energized and motivated. How do you continue to surprise yourself? How do you continue to learn? How are you going to ask the people around you to help you continue to grow? This is what will cultivate your curiosity and your energy.

Cultivating the concept of gratefulness

In what can also cultivate your motivation, what you are responsible for is the ability you have to do what the English call gratefulness, that is, how is it that every day, each week or each month, you are responsible for saying “I am happy with what I did. I am proud of what I have done. I am proud of what I have achieved.” How to cultivate this ability to thank yourself, to congratulate yourself, to thank yourself, to also thank the team, your boss, your company for everything that you think is good. People who are losing motivation who don't have that motivation only see the negative. We all have fun things going on. We all have complicated things that we need to deal with. The way you can get through difficult things is usually by enjoying what is fun, pleasant, and positive.

Our responsibility as collaborators is to say that we are 100% responsible for the energy in which we arrive, 100% responsible for the energy in which we remain and 100% responsible for the energy we give to others. You can choose to be in a positive, happy, pleasant energy. You can choose to arrive with average or even zero energy. It is your choice. Nobody is going to set your energy barometer. And of course, your choice is going to be to consider that the energy you are in has an impact on others. Our recommendation to stay motivated and energetic is to pay close attention to your energy barometer and the impact you have on others.

Finally, to conclude, as Philippe Bloch says in his book called Never Say Good Courage Again: “Look at your professional project as a path of adventure, of experience. Make choices. Be aware of what you like to do, what you know how to do, what you don't like to do. Know how to cultivate your energy, your inner motivation and don't expect others to cultivate it for you.” So, never say “good luck” again because for others, it means that work is a pain, that it is a place where people are really going to be unhappy, but instead just tell them “good day”, “have fun”, “have fun”, “have fun”.

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