Diversity in companies: BPCE, a commitment for almost 10 years
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Diversity in companies: BPCE, a commitment for almost 10 years

On June 6, we organized a Happy Morning on the theme: “How can we REALLY accelerate gender diversity within organizations? ”. On this occasion, we had the pleasure of welcoming Alain Fournier, Recruitment & Diversity Director of the BPCE Group, which Talentis has been supporting for almost 10 years on its challenges related to gender diversity.

Talentis: “Let's talk about numbers. In 2019, where are you in terms of gender diversity in companies? ”

Alain Fournier: “We started working very objectively on gender diversity in 2011. For our part, we first monitor the following indicator: The number of women managers. On this indicator, The numbers have increased a lot : in 2011, 35% of us were female managers. At the end of 2018, 43% of us were female managers. Of course, we are not yet at parity, but these are figures that are increasing significantly. That is a step in the right direction. The second indicator that we have been monitoring closely since the last strategic plan in 2018 is Number of women leaders. Here, the numbers are also increasing, but we are still far from parity. In fact, in 2010 we were 14% women managers and in 2019 we are almost 26% women managers. Finally we can say that The numbers are increasing, but with less than 26% of women leaders, we are not yet clean.”

Talentis: “What still needs to be done to get even closer to gender parity within the company? ”

Alain Fournier: “Since the beginning of our approach almost 10 years ago, we appointed 43% of women to executive positions. Today, what remains to be monitored is the evolution within these executive professions. Supporting these women in their careers for them to reach senior management or management positions. What we do, with all the companies in the Group, is seek to identify women with potential. See if, today, they have obstacles to their professional development, then support them, either through programs that we develop with Talentis, or with the help of specific programs that companies can deploy. Being at the top level of executive classification is good, but it's not enough. We can go a lot further.

Talentis: “How does Talentis support BPCE in developing gender diversity in companies? ”

Alain Fournier:” We have been working with Talentis for about ten years on two major emblematic programs:

Succeed in a female career

It is a program that is managed by the Group HR Department in which executive employees from various companies in the group identified with potential will participate.

The idea of this program is to make them aware of, Coaching and support them to make them understand that their career is built over time. It is not because they are managers today that everything is over. They should continue to advance in their careers by asking themselves the following questions: “What are their success factors? “What are their factors of progress? ”

My career and me

These are programs specific to each company in the group. The idea is the same except that the target changes a bit. It will concern women who are not yet managers but who wish to progress in managerial jobs.”

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