Diversity at work: no more talk, results - Evening 10 May 2022
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Diversity at work: no more talk, results - Evening 10 May 2022

On May 10 at Talentis, it is certain that we were not gathered to “chat” around #Mixité F/H in business!

This evening “F/H diversity in business, no more BLABLA, RESULTS” was a success! Thank you to those who came in large numbers to attend this evening rich in exchanges and inspiration 💡

It was a great pleasure for the whole Talentis team to welcome our guests after more than 2 years of remote events!

A big thank you also to our speakers for the quality of their remarks!

First of all, thanks to Marie-Christine Maheas, Head of the #Diversité & #Inclusion Center in Mazars and Coordinator of the #Mixité Observatory within the Institute of Responsible Capitalism. His intervention on the 6 flagship measures of companies that succeed in the #Mixité bet allowed our guests to share their own experience on the subject.

Thanks also to Souba Manoharane-Brunel from The Wonders for presenting La Fresque de l'Équité, corporate version, in co-creation with Talentis!

Accelerating #Mixité F/H at all levels of organizations has been one of our areas of expertise for more than 15 years. At Talentis we have already supported more than 50 major groups on this theme.

We are available if you are interested in discussing your own issues in this area, so do not hesitate to contact us directly 🙂

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