Change management: identifying the obstacles within teams
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Change management: identifying the obstacles within teams

Change management aims to support business transformation projects in a changing context. One of the keys to successful change management is to manage to generate a strong sense of commitment within teams.

However, during a transformation project, all sorts of obstacles and resistances frequently appear. The challenge is therefore to identify these obstacles, to understand them and to address them throughout the change management process.

#1 Change management: individual obstacles

There are people for whom a transformation project will be at the origin of positive emotions. They will see this situation as an opportunity to move on to something better. Change will be experienced as a opportunity.For others, it may be more complicated. For example, some people may, during a transformation project, feeling fear, uncertainty. “Will I know how to do it? ”, “Will I have the required skills”, “Will I be able to acquire them?” ”... Of the wrath can also be felt: “It was better before, why change? I disagree! ”, or even the sorrow which is linked to the feeling of loss.

Succeed in your transformation projects

#2 Change Management: Collective Obstacles

These obstacles will concern a Population of people who will be impacted by change.Let's take an example. The company must move to new premises equipped with “smart offices”. All managers will “lose” their individual office, which is very likely to create obstacles in this population. In particular, they will legitimately question how they will embody their role as managers : establishing their authority, giving feedback, not being solicited all the time, etc...

Change management: 4 axes for success

#3 Implementation barriers

The choice of the project leader:

It is fundamental because it can create obstacles for some people. when the leader is not seen as exemplary, does not embody company values or does not seem to be approaching the transformation project in the right way.

The alignment of the ruling coalition:

When the management team is not aligned regarding the project. It does not promote engagement!

The involvement of the teams:

Employees and/or managers may feel that change was imposed on them without even having been consulted.

#4 The obstacles linked to corporate culture

Some businesses are used to and open to change, and others less so. It may happen that a company has never had to experience a major change during its existence, and one day, a takeover, a change of shareholder leads it to have to manage a change.

How can we ensure that this change management is a success for the company and its talents? This is when the support of this type of project makes perfect sense. In order to involve the entire system in the project in order to be able to implement it.

#5 The obstacles linked to the nature of the change itself

In some cases, it may feel like “change for the sake of change.” When you don't see the usefulness of the transformation project, when you tell yourself that it's not a strategic priority, getting involved becomes all the more complicated.

Leaving all these obstacles aside would jeopardize the success of the transformation project in question. It is for this reason that change management approaches are necessary. Both on aspects related to “processes” but also in terms of change management, for which professional coaching, in individual and/or collective form, is particularly effective.

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