Professional coaching: how to manage anger and fear?
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Professional coaching: how to manage anger and fear?

In the current context, our emotions and feelings are heightened. Many of us may feel fear and/or anger about the situation. These fears, these angers, whether real or imaginary, each of us has the right to express them. They are the expression of a real need. In this video, discover our tips for managing your fears and anger in the best possible way during this complicated period.

Why is listening to your fear and anger so important?

Most of the time, many of our fears are initiated by the real or imaginary feeling that we are in front of a danger. In these difficult times of confinement, it is important, more than usual, to listen to your fear. However, many of us are not in the habit of listening to our fear. Listening to your feelings is essential because it prevents the multiplication of fears that could be described as “poorly managed”. This kind of chaotic situation can lead to a form of paralysis in the person concerned. On the contrary, listening to our fear allows us to say to ourselves: “Ok, what does this fear mean to me, what is the need hidden behind it? ”. Taking this need into account is fundamental.. Indeed, each emotion, like a thermostat, is there to remind us to listen carefully to our needs.What do I need? To feel safe, reassured.

To (re) see:

What is the hidden need behind each of our emotions?

How do you create this safe space? By listening to our needs. By going to find this safety at the heart of yourself, remembering the difficult times you went through in the past and how you coped without.Also, by going look for resources outside. Talk to your loved ones, to your professional circle by asking them where they themselves go to look for their resources. How they create their own safety themselves.

Managing your fear better: our advice

Create around you some rites and rituals that make you safe. Ask yourself the following question: “To feel comfortable today, what is the most important thing for me, for my family, for my environment? ” Also ask yourself the question of what that can paralyze you, prevent you from acting. For example, because of lockdown, there are people who no longer want to go out at all to get some fresh air for even 5 minutes. However, if we listen to doctors, even if it is crucial to respect the strict lockdown rules, we know that exercising at home, airing out the window, walking our dog, allows us to rest our brains.

See you again:

4 concrete tips to avoid burnout

Another tip to better manage your fear is to start by taking a deep breath and asking yourself What is the true nature of the danger that exists ? What are all the options available to me to limit and talk about this danger?

Managing your anger better: our advice

Anger is caused by feeling To have suffered damage. The feeling of not having been respected or of having suffered an injustice for example. To take the example of the current crisis: “Why is this happening to all of us? Why is it affecting my business so much? ”. Another example, when at home, your loved ones make too much noise for you, they encroach on your “territory.” Again, like any emotion, you must be able to Listen to your need behind this anger. What gives me this feeling of injustice? It is important to be able express in a calm way to my environment. Indeed, it is likely that, as a result of the current situation, our feelings and emotions are heightened. The main thing, in your anger, is to be able to look your need in the face and say to yourself: “How can I express it in a calm and assertive way? ” How also listen to the needs of others ? Indeed the two angrances, mine and that coming from my environment, can be combined.

Fear and anger are two emotions that are interesting to listen to and to go through in order to meet our needs and take care of them. Since any emotion that is not listened to and that we do not take care of becomes more and more intense and leads us to behaviors such as “pressure cooker” or implosion, we therefore wish you to listen to your emotions with great attention, and see you very soon for a new Professional Coaching Minute!

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